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Melbourne Makerspace 

Melbourne Makerspace 
Listing Category
Short Description
There are facilities to create a viable community and work environment for those who enjoy working on various types of projects.

A Makerspace, a place where people make things, also referred to as a Hackerspace, is a laboratory of sorts for people in the community who are interested in designing things, learning new stuff, and generally being creative!Makerspaces have a set of community-owned tools to share. Our space offers machine shop tools, woodworking tools, electronics equipment, and other fabrication devices.

We host classes and events to help encourage people to learn and create. Many members join with the intention to work on individual projects and find that the members are able to share their insight on a variety of subjects and tools that otherwise would be out of reach to a typical hobbyist.

It’s a great chance to meet other people who share an interest in making while expanding your own skills.

There are facilities to create a viable community and work environment for those who enjoy working on various types of projects. These projects may range from electronics, arts, engineering, software coding, fabrication, food related, beer brewing, crafting, 3D printing and lasering just to name a few. Creating and modifying items to generate a new or better form is our passion.

(321) 345-7290
401 N. Wickham Rd. #126 Melbourne, FL 32935
ZIP Code