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Catapult Lakeland

Catapult Lakeland
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Short Description
Established in 2014 by the Lakeland Economic Development Council, Catapult was created to foster the growth of startups.

Entrepreneurial Center in Downtown Lakeland

Established in 2014 by the Lakeland Economic Development Council, Catapult was created to foster the growth of startups.

Inspired by visits to entrepreneur centers around the United States, the LEDC launched Catapult in the basement of the Bank of America building to see if entrepreneurs in the community desired a place to collaborate.

Since then, Catapult has grown into a vibrant hub in downtown Lakeland, featuring three distinct incubators—Workspace, Makerspace, and Kitchen—each designed to support and accelerate the growth of businesses.

Workspace: Build your unique and scalable business in an environment with offices, desks, and coworking.

Kitchen: Bring your restaurant, bakery, or consumer packaged goods brand to life in a commercial kitchen.

Makerspace: Start and scale your manufacturing or engineering company in a community of makers.

(863) 940-9660
502 E. Main St. Lakeland, FL 33801
ZIP Code